Please first look on our frequently asked questions page to search for answers to your questions. Please only email if you have specific questions which are not answered below or on the PACT website.
You can view all our up-and-coming course dates on our Level 2 Training Dates and Course Information page.
All our course fees can be found on our course fees page.
You register through our partner company Hogrefe on their website here. You will need to pay them separately, and they will send you a login link to access your e-course.
If you wish to make a group booking, please complete and submit an online registration form for each delegate in your group. And email the office with your invoice details.
Please let us know eight weeks before the course date if you have any changes or if delegates cannot attend the training.
Dear parent, thank you for your enquiry.
We are gradually integrating PACT into the whole of the NHS to offer this as an evidence-based intervention therapy accessible to everyone. We suggest first approaching your local NHS speech and language therapy department and asking them if they provide PACT therapy and if your doctor can refer you. NHS PACT therapy is free of charge. Many SLT departments will let you refer yourself without a GP referral. If you can find their NHS website or contact them directly to ask for advice.
If they haven’t heard of PACT, please feel free to forward one of our flyers (PACT flyer for parents). We need as many parent advocates to help us extend therapy into the NHS as possible.
PACT therapy is available in many services and locations or available online. You can search for a therapist here:
As PACT therapy is a video-based intervention, most therapists deliver PACT online; therefore, you may contact therapists in different locations. We recommend contacting several therapists to enquire about the services they offer.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email.
Carmen Aparicio Bustos
Julia Robles Deluca
Associazione TESEO
Provider ECM n°187 Albo Nazionale
Via Supportico degli Astuti, 28 - 80132 Napoli
fax 0816580700 tel. 0817644081
Lyon - Natacha GALLIFET -
Toulouse - Anne Laure TOUREILLE -
Strasbourg - Lucie JANSSEN - /
Versailles - Marie Joelle OREVE -
Chiara Fiorentini, Dr. Psych, Psychologue FSP -
Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève
Service de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent
Ch. des Crêts-de-Champel 41
CH - 1206 Genève
Website -
Trainers - Priscilla Godoy & Lizzie Shephard
Email -
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